Merstham and Gatton Team Ministry
We are a collection of three parishes in Merstham, Surrey – All Saints in South Merstham, St Katharine’s in Merstham and St Andrew’s in Gatton (see where we are located below).
We are an inclusive church, dedicated to serving our community and worshipping God within the ups-and-downs of the real world we live in. We have a variety of services and activities designed to cater for all ages.
Our aim is to grow as individuals and as a community, to explore what faith and spirituality means today, to learn who Jesus Christ is, to understand the Bible more deeply – and to enjoy ourselves whilst we are at it.

All Saints
Battlebridge Lane, South Merstham RH1 3LH

St Andrew's
Gatton Park, Reigate RH2 0TD

St Katharine's
Church Hill, Merstham RH1 3BJ

We believe in one God, who created and sustains life and designed humankind in his image for relationship with him
We believe God’s desire to love for us led Him to intervene in human history in the person of His son Jesus Christ whose perfect life and sacrificial death has cancelled the fatal consequences of sin and whose resurrection from his death gives us complete confidence that He has overcome the power of death itself. When we acknowledge our faults and mistakes and commit to leaving them behind, God promises to forgive us and draws us back into the full eternal relationship we are made for. God even chooses to fill us and give us strength and power through His own presence in us – the Holy Spirit.
Finally we believe in the authority of the Bible: God’s Holy word, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This same Holy Spirit can also bring His word to life as we read it in order to guide, teach, inspire and empower us. God can speak to us in different ways but the bible is one of the most reliable and authoritative ways by which we can understand His blueprint and intentions for how we live day by day.

All Saints
Located in South Merstham, next to Canada Hall, All Saints Church gathers every Sunday for services at 10am

St Andrews
In the historic parish of Gatton, St Andrews meet the first Sunday at 5pm for Holy Communion

St Katharine's
Located on the Pilgrims Way and open daily from 10am until 4pm for casual visitor seeking silent reflection and prayer. Our Sunday service is at 10am

Inclusive in gathering, joyful in worshipping, dedicated to serving
A living church does not exist in church buildings – it lives in the wider community where God has put it.
We work alongside other groups and organisations in the community to bring a spiritual dimension and to work with them for wholeness, peace and justice in our community.

Welcoming children from the age of 3 upwards
All Saints is the main location for our children and youth activities. We have various groups for the children depending on their age.
Once a month we gather in the church for our all together service where activities for the children are included
Who's who at the Ministry

Revd Nigel Griffiths
Revd Paul Holden
Revd Robert Kenyon
Helen Gillett